Midland Senior Women's Golf Association

 1. Name

The Association shall be called the MIDLAND SENIOR WOMEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION, hereinafter known as the Association or MSWGA.

2. Objects
· To further Womens’ senior golf in the MSWGA Region.
· To maintain, administer and regulate the MSWGA Championship and all other competitions held under the auspices of the Association.
· To select and manage the MSWGA Team.
· To make, maintain and publish such regulations as may be necessary for the above purposes.
· To employ the funds of the Association in such a manner as shall be deemed to be in the best interests of womens’ senior amateur golf in the MSWGA Region.
· To make and enforce such action of disciplinary nature against any Member in respect of any breach or infringement of the Rules and/or the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews (“Rules of Golf”).

3. The Association shall consist of:
Women who have reached the age of 50 or more years on the day before membership commences, and who have a handicap, within the handicap limit set down by the Committee, as at the date of application, as either

a) Full Golf Members who are Golfing Members of a recognised Golf Club within the MSWGA Region and hold a WHS handicap index.

b) Associate Members who reside in the MSWGA Region but belong to a recognised Golf Club in another area and hold a WHS handicap index.

Associate Members are not eligible to play in the MSWGA Championship, Annual Jamboree or County Team Championship but may enter all other competitions organised by the MSWGA.

c) Honorary Members who have been granted for life the rights and privileges of membership of the Association and who shall not be obliged to pay subscriptions.

Full and Associate Members shall be proposed by a Member of the Association and seconded by the County Representative or an Officer of the Association.

Honorary Members shall be proposed by a Member of the Committee and submitted to the current President for appraisal. (Honorary Membership Appraisal Process in place)

New Members may join the Association at any time throughout the year.

4. Management
The management of the Association shall be vested in the Committee.
The following shall form the Committee:-

· President  (Officer of the Association)
· Captain  (Officer of the Association)
· Honorary Secretary  (Officer of the Association)
· Honorary Treasurer  (Officer of the Association)
· Vice Captain
· One Representative from each County with a minimum of 10 Members in that County.

5. Terms of Office
The terms of office for the Officers and Committee Members shall be as follows:-
· President 2 years
· Captain/Chairman 2 years
· Honorary Secretary 2 years (selected by the Captain)
· Honorary Treasurer 2 years (selected by the Captain)
· Vice Captain 2 years (selected by the Captain)
· County Representative 5 years

6. Conduct and Powers of the Committee

· The Committee shall meet as often as is deemed necessary.
· A quorum shall consist of four Members, one of whom must be an Officer.
· All Members of the Committee shall have the power to vote on all matters and the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

Except as otherwise stated, all powers of the Association shall be vested in the Committee and, in particular, the Committee shall have the power to:-
· Co-opt one or more Members and delegate duties as they think necessary.
· Carry out all objects set out in these rules, other than those, which can only be dealt with at a General Meeting.
· Order any Member found guilty of any breach of the Rules or of any mis-conduct or of any breach of the Rules of Golf to either be removed permanently from the Association or be suspended from the Association for such time as is deemed appropriate by the Committee. 
· Any Member dealt with under this Rule shall have the right to appeal from such an order. Any such appeal shall be made in writing within 30 days of the date of the order to the Hon. Secretary.

Any notice or other document required by this or any of the next following rules to be sent to members eligible to vote at general meetings may be sent electronically

7. Meetings of the Association
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in November. All Members of the Association shall be entitled to attend.

The purpose of the meeting shall be as follows:-
· To receive the reports of the year.
· To receive the Statement of Accounts, duly audited.
· To elect the Officers and Members of the Committee.
· To consider and adjust the Rules.
· To decide on any resolutions properly put to the meeting.

A Notice of the Annual General Meeting, with the Agenda, shall be sent to all Members not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting. The accidental omission to give such notice to any person entitled thereto, or the non-receipt thereof, shall not invalidate the proceedings of any Annual General Meeting.

There will be the ability to hold a ZOOM Meeting (or equivalent) for the AGM in “special circumstances” i.e. COVID.

· The Committee shall nominate the Officers of the Committee.
· The outgoing County Representative shall make nominations for their replacement
· The Committee or any individual Member of the Association is entitled to put any resolution to the Annual General Meeting.
· All resolutions proposed by individual Members must be made in writing, seconded by a Member of the Association of another Club and must reach the Hon. Secretary not less than 28 days before the Annual General Meeting.

Extraordinary General Meeting 
· The Hon. Secretary shall convene an EGM at any time by order of the Committee or at least 25 Members. Twenty-one days notice shall be given to Members. Every such requisition shall specify the business for which such a meeting is to be convened, and no other business shall be transacted at such a meeting. The non-receipt or accidental omission of such notice to any Member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting nor any resolution thereat.

· Every Member of the Association shall be entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings.
· Voting shall be decided by a show of hands unless a ballot is directed by the Chairman or requested by two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote.
· Every question shall be decided by two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote at the General Meeting.
· If there is equality of votes at a General Meeting, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

8. Accounts
The financial year of the Association shall run from 1st November to 31st October each year and the Honorary Treasurer shall prepare a Statement of Accounts for each financial year, which will be duly audited.

9. Subscriptions
· Each Member of the Association shall pay an annual subscription of an amount decided from time to time by the Committee.
· The annual subscription fee is due on the 1st January each year and paid directly to Association via BACS (also notifying the relevant County Representative). The Committee shall promptly notify a Member in writing of any failure to pay their subscription and if such subscription remains unpaid after 2 months following the date of any such notice served by the Committee, such Member will be deemed to have resigned.
· Anyone wishing to be re-instated will be treated as a new Member and required to pay an annual subscription.

10. General 
The Committee shall be entitled to be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred for the purpose of transacting the business of the Association from the funds of the Association.

Dissolution of the Association may occur if:-

· At any General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution is passed by two thirds of the votes. In this event, the Committee shall take steps as to dissolve the Association at a date set by the meeting, to sell any assets, and after discharging all debts and liabilities, any assets left are to be handed over to the governing body of womens’ golf in England.

· The Hon. Treasurer and Committee find the assets of the Association are insufficient to cover any debt or liability of the Association, dissolution shall be completed as soon as possible and all Members shall be informed.


Effective from 1st December 2024

A  copy of these rules can be downloaded here.