Midland Senior Women's Golf Association


1st Place & Winners of the Miller Stirling Salver - Midlands

Runners Up & winner of the Tony Moffat Quaich - North

Full News Report  available HERE










1 (6½) 1 (6½) 1 (7) 3 (20)


0 (2½)


1 (6) 1 (5) 2 (13½)


0 (2½) 0 (3)   0 (2) 0 (7½)


0 (2) 0 (4) 1 (7)   1 (13)


August 6th 2019


Midlands v South


  Pts Result Pts  
Helen Lowe & Tracey Williamson 1 2&1 Aileen Greenfield & Jackie Foster
Lindsay Shaw & Debbie Warren 0 2 up 1 Jane Rees & Clarissa Bushell
Sue Spencer & Catrin Russell 1 6&4 0 Debbie Richards & Amanda Mayne

Foursome Result

2   1  


Helen Lowe 1 8&7 0 Jackie Foster
Tracey Williamson 1 1 up 0 Felicity Christine
Sue Spencer 1 1 up 0 Karen Sykes
Julia Gaunt 1 4&3 0 Amanda Mayne
Catrin Russell 1 2&1 0 Jane Rees
Debbie Warren 0 2 up 1 Aileen Greenfield

Single Result

5   1  

Match Result


North v Scotland


  Pts Result Pts  
Caroline Berry & Maureen Richmond 1 5&4 0 Elaine Moffat & Gillian Kyle
Cath Rawthore & Gill Mellor 0 4&3 1 Donna jackson & Liz Stewart
Carol Helme & Bet Sworowski 1 5&4 0 Sheena Wood & Lesley Lloyd

Foursome Result

2   1  


Julie Wheeldon 0 1 up 1 Elaine Moffat
Karen Jobling 1 2 up 0 Donna Jackson
Cath Rawthore 1 7&6 0 Frances Millar
Bet Sworowski ½  A/S ½  Aileen Baker
Carol Helme 1 4&2 0 Sheena Wood
Gill Mellor ½  A/S ½  Gillian Kyle

Single Result

4   2  

Match Result




 August 7th 2019


Midlands v Scotland


  Pts Result Pts  
Helen Lowe & Tracy Williamson 1 2&1 0 Donna Jackson & Liz Stewart
Julia Gaunt & Debbie Warren 0 1 up 1 Gillian Kyle & Aileen Baker
Sue Spencer & Catrin Russell 1 6&5 0 Frances Millar & Lesley Lloyd

Foursome Result

2   1  


Helen Lowe 1 2&1 0 Elaine Moffat
Lindsay Shaw ½  A/S ½  Sheena Wood
Sue Spencer 1 2&1 0 Frances Millar
Julia Gaunt 1 2&1 0 Aileen Baker
Tracey Williamson 1 2&1 0 Liz Stewart
Jenny Deeley 0 2&1 1 Lesley Lloyd

Single Result


Match Result





South v North


  Pts Result Pts  
Jackie Foster & Clarissa Bushell 0 3&2 1 Caroline Berry & Maureen Richmond
Karen Sykes & Amanda Mayne 0 4&2 1 Karen Jobling & Julie Wheeldon
Debbie Richards & Felicity Christine 1 3&2 0 Carol Helme & Bet Sworowski

Foursome Result

1   2  


Jane Rees 0 3&1 1  Caroline Berry
Aileen Greenfield 0 2&1 1 Julie Wheeldon
Jackie Foster 1 2&1 0 Maureen Richmond
Felicity Christine 1 3&1 0 Cath Rawthore
Clarissa Bushell 0 5&4 1 Karen Jobling
Karen Sykes 1 2&1 0 Gill Mellor

Single Result

3   3  

Match Result



August 8th 2019


Midlands v North


  Pts Result Pts  
Helen Lowe & Tracey Williamson 0 2&1 1 Caroline Berry & Maureen Richmond
Julia Gaunt & Debbie Warren 0 1 up 1 Karen Jobling & Julie Wheeldon
Sue Spencer & Catrin Russell 1 4&3 0 Carol Helme & Bet Sworowski

Foursome Result

1   2  


Helen Lowe 1 1 up 0 Caroline Berry
Sue Spencer 1 1 up 0 Julie Wheeldon
Debbie Warren ½  A/S ½  Karen Jobling
Lindsay Shaw 1 3&2 0 Bet Sworowski
Julia Gaunt 1 6&5 0 Maureen Richmond
Tracey Williamson 1 4&3 0 Cath Rawthore

Single Result


Match Result



Scotland v South


  Pts Result Pts  
Elaine Moffat & Sheena Wood 0 4&3 1 Jackie Foster & Clarissa Bushell
Gillian Kyle & Aileen Baker 0 5&3 1 Jane Rees & Amanda Mayne
Donna Jackson & Liz Stewart 0 5&4 1 Aileen Greenfield & Karen Sykes

Foursome Result

0   3  


Elaine Moffat 1 4&3 0 Aileen Greenfield
Sheena Wood 1 3&3 0 Felicity Christine
Frances Millar 0 2&1 1 Jackie Foster
Donna Jackson 0 3&2 1 Debbie Richards
Gillian Kyle 0 2&1 1 Amanda Mayne
Lesley Lloyd 0 6&4 1 Karen Sykes

Single Result

2   4  

Match Result